A Basic Formula for Health
A Basic Formula for Health
The basic meals for breakfast and lunch are Green Alkalizing Drinks.
The basic formula is
Leafy greens Vegetable Fruit for sweetener
These drinks provide us with a balance of nutrients our body needs, also the greens help control cravings and these drinks help flush away toxins.
OK here’s the basic formula
1 Leafy Greens
Any one of the following
Spinach, Arugula, Collards, Chard, Dandelion Greens, Kale and many more.
Fill your blender up to about the 48 oz mark with your leafy greens ( don’t pack them, just lightly drop them in ) add 3 cups of water and blend until liquefied. You will end up with about 24 oz of green liquid.
2 Vegetable
Any one of the following
Celery, Cucumber, Bell Pepper, Boc Choy, Zucchini, Asparagus and many more
Add your vegetable to the green liquid and blend until you have all liquid again.
3 Fruit for sweetener
Any of the following
Bananas, Pears, Apples, Mango, Oranges, Papaya, Strawberry, Blueberry and many more
Add your fruit to the green liquid and blend until it is all liquid. If this is to thick add water, half a cup at a time until it is the way you want it.
I like to use 3 or4 bananas
Or 3 pears
Or 2 pears, 1 apple and 1 banana
Or 1 cup of strawberries and 1 cup of blueberries and 1 banana
Mix your verities of leafy green, vegetable and fruit to the flavor you like
Here are two green drinks I like (blend in your blender)
Spinach Chard
3 cups of water 3 cups of water
Celery 1 plant about 8 oz 1 Cucumber
3 or 4 bananas bananas 3 Pears
1 banana
Enjoy and have fun mixing and matching creating your own flavorful
Green Alkalizing Drinks.
If your mix isn’t sweet enough just add a banana
Remember to only use organic, fresh, ripe, fruit and vegetables.
To your Health
Drew Bee