What’s Easier Being Unhealthy or Being Healthy?
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What’s easier being unhealthy or being healthy?
If being healthy is so easy, why are so many people unhealthy?
Is the reason, that we as a population, have been misguided, misinformed and improperly educated. This may be true. Well who would do such a thing. Is it profiteers, people, corporations and companies, who’s only concern is to make a profit. Could it be the population needs to be thinned to control over population. Is it the government? Is being healthy only for the people intelligent enough to take control of their own health needs? With the majority of our population not truly living at their optimal health potential, does the general public even know that they can have optimal health and they can control it. Does the general public even know what optimal health is? Does the general public even care if they are truly healthy? Maybe it’s a little of all of these.
What has happened, has already happened, we can’t change it. What others will do in the future will be done by them in the future. What we do in the present and the future, can be chosen by us, the individual. We can control our choices for a life-style directed toward being healthy or for some other type of life style, it’s our choice as individuals.
So what will your choice be ? Will you choose a life style that puts you on a path of, overweight, low motivation, low energy, bringing sickness, symptoms and disease.
Today right now, at this moment, this is a new opportunity to make a decision to choose a healthy life style or take your chances and be guided and misguided, on a path to a life of unhealthy, sickness, symptoms and disease, so people, corporations and companies can profit and I mean large profits. Just take a look at industry sizes of people, corporations, and companies that support unhealthy life styles vs. industries that support health.
industries that support unhealthy life styles
Junk food Medical industry that treats symptoms
Fast food Pharmaceutical companies
Convenience stores Drug stories
Meat industries Gismos, gadgets, and quick fixes
Dairy industry Flavor enhancement companies
All of their packaging companies The list goes on and on.
Now take a look at all of the industries that support a healthy life style
Health clubs and gyms
Fruit, vegetable and produce industries
Exercise equipment
I’m sure there are more, just no where near the size of the industries that support being unhealthy.
With all that profit being made to keep you unhealthy, it’s no wonder that it’s difficult to get a true understanding of what information to believe.
Famous circus promoters of the 1860’s said “their is a new sucker born every minute. Well most of us, maybe almost all of us were one of those suckers, if you are or were once unhealthy. It may not truly be your fought, we were all misinformed and improperly educated about our health needs.
Don’t worry if you haven’t already made the change for improving your health. Because right now is a new opportunity for you to start a life style of good health, and yes its really that easy, easy as 1,2,3.
Step 1 Define what a healthy life style is
Step 2 Choose to practice a healthy life style
Step 3 Live a healthy life style and enjoy life
For step 1, click on the levels of health tab at the top of this page, and chose what level of health you want to be at.
For step 2, Drew Bee has enough free information on this site (howtoturhbacktime.com) to help and support you on your journey to become healthy and stay healthy. Drew Bee also offers coaching for those individuals that truly want to speed up the process of efficiently and effectively reaching their health goal quickly.
For coaching click here
To your Health
Drew Bee