The Price for Holiday Lifestyle
Drew Bee with the latest Buzz about
The Price for Holiday Lifestyle
During the holiday season I did follow the average eating style of many Americans during the holiday parties. It was fun, entertaining and very flavorful.
Unfortunately there was a price to pay for this lifestyle. Yes sluggish performance, food hangovers, body aches etc. Now that it is mid January the price for my temporary lifestyle change has been rewarded with a cold virus, muscle strains, soreness and limited activity. ( Due to a weakened immune system from using energy that should have been used to strengthen my immune system and for rejuvenation, that energy was used for digestion instead ) Pryor to this lifestyle change in December I was able to overcome cold viruses, I was playing ice hockey games twice a week on other days two 30 minute skating practice sessions, Friday night 2 ½ hours of dancing and feeling great afterwards. January is much different, rest and recovery with limited activity is my current lifestyle.
Fruits, leafy greens, nuts and seeds 80/10/10 RV style are a must to get me ready for February’s active lifestyle plans of skiing, ice hockey, dancing and more,
The moral of the story is stay true to your Fruitarian 80/10/10 RV lifestyle for a consistent active lifestyle or be willing to pay the price of down time for the flavor and entertainment of the so called enjoyment.
Tips to avoid the temptations of a holiday eating lifestyle or falling into the standard American diet. ( I will follow this guide too or be willing to pay the price )
Stay highly active. A purpose may help keep you true to your plan because you won’t want to be a poor performer from being sluggish or having food hangovers.
Eat fresh, ripe, raw, sweet, juicy, fruit until satisfied. Whenever hungry or to fight cravings.
Mix it up, eat a variety of whatever is available that season. Realize that different stores have different fruit available. Variety helps beat boredom.
If good fruit is unavailable in your area, order your fruit from online sources or local stores.
Create purpose to stay true to your chosen lifestyle.
To Your Health
Drew Bee